Completed by
David Tesarik
2st August 2007
This printing company has the following dimension: 850 M2 (34m x 25m), ceiling height 6,5 metres, 21 windows around the floor, each production room has enough day light. It is important for checking qualities color samples and products. The Fire exit is marked through the pres production area and expedition area on the right side of building,. There is big expedition doors.
Customers access is situated on the left side of the building on front. Inside of the door is a reception desk. This is located on the left side of the room on the back. The reception area is 8m x 9m (72 M2). The reception desk has common area for waiting customers. Near by the reception desk is show room. Showroom is 5m x 9m (45 M2) boardroom with many products of our company. Behind the reception desk is PRE – PRESS area. It Is 13m x 11m ( 143 M2). Next to the PRE – PRESS area is PRESS PRODUCTION AREA. It is 20m x 15m (300 M2) and last is EXPEDITION AREA. It is 21m x 10 m ( 210 M2 ). All Printing company area is secured .
The reception area and pre – pres area has connects to the RTA mainframe server. The FIRST AID KIT is located in the each Production area..
Reception, Showroom and pre – press area are isolated. There is the barrier to isolate sound. Every production area has reverse cycle air-conditioning with climate control (humidity and temperature). There are sprinkles and smoke detector. In the all printing company are located separate fire extinguishers. They are CO2 based. CO2 fire extinguishers are good for electrical and oil based/hydrocarbon fires. Each production area has fire blanket. In press area is sufficient ventilation which extract fumes and exhalation from drying of color.
Every computer has protective filter of screen. As the result this does not affect excessive amount of glare from the screen. Inside all printing company are 21 sets of power points. Therefore, there are sufficient power points for the each work station.
There is insufficient artificial lighting in the propose area. For the current staff there are 8 trained printers and two graphics. In addition, there is Two clerk that does the administration work. The 6 Printers as part of their training and experience have already the OHS skills and knowledge for the job. These 6 printers have the responsibility for training of the clerk and two apprentice printers on OHS WORKCOVER requirements.
The floor plan is given in figure 1
Install the new PRE - PRESS computer in the office facing the door. Install another light above the computer. This would comply with the requirements of the WORKCOVER guidelines for environmental factors. For ergonomic requirements an additional ergonomic chair is purchased. The computer system is installed based on the WORKCOVER guide lines for the following:
- The angle of the screen to the eye is max 30 degrees to horizontal. This is to protect the neck.
- The key board is positioned to reduce stress on the risk.
- The back rest is adjusted to ensure the back is vertical when seated.
Refer to http://www.acay.com.au/~mkrause/workstation_ergonomics.htm for additional information on Workstation Ergonomics.
The basic setup is given in Figure 2. Basically this includes the setup oft he following: Chair, Desk screen, Documents Layout, Keyboard, Mouse, Environment, Telephone Operations and Headsets and Work Organisation.

The workstation adjustment requirement relates to Figure3:

The layout of the workstation is given in figure 4

Additional requirements for posture are given in the following reference.
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