Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Address 318 Warringah Road, Frenches Forest , NSW, 2086

Telephone 6120011991412

Fax numbers 6120011991413



10 years experience in a senior management role for many other SME business, Eric is charged with the responsible to grow the company further using latest design and innovation models.


She has many major design awards in landscape architectural fields in Australia and Europe


Mario has strong skills in people management, resources management, planning and coordination. Major projects Mario has been responsible for are Sydney Airport, botany garden in Slovakia.


David has responsibility in managing the financial resources of company. David has many years experience in financing SMEs in Europe and Australia. Some of his major achievements include MacDonald’s Restaurant Chain in the 70s and Hilton Hotel chain in the early 60s.


Harry has many years experience in product development. Major campaigns creditted to Harry include the launch of BMW 500 series in Indonesia and the promotion of the Environmental EXPO 2000 in SEOUL. Harry brings his expertise into the company. He sees the opportunity of promoting Ireene’s innovations


Mena has leadership skills in identifying key and pivotal human recourses requirements to take the company forward in medium and long term. He is very strong motivation. He is an astute psychologist.








These expert landscapers are very skillful and committed in meeting deadlines and have experience with an artistic flair. They have the ability to visualise design and translate them into physical reality. Their knowledge is extensive in relation to local native floral and stone works and wall building. They have also excellent skill in customer services.

Organisation chart

Mission Statement

Maja Landscape believes that a garden should reflect the personality and values of its owner. It should complement both the house and its surroundings.

It should be an inviting and a welcoming space.

Beyond the beauty of the moment we address the pragmatic considerations of ongoing and seasonal maintenance.

From satisfying practical needs to fulfilling dreams, successful gardens are created through thoughtful and thorough planning.

We create tranquil retreats from the rude intrusions of the everyday world. We can conjure up an oasis of calm, a place of beauty, a garden of delights. We can create an intimate spot to be alone with your thoughts or an expansive space to enjoy the company of family and friends.

Design is the first step in any great landscape. It allows the owners the opportunity to create and visualize the garden of their dreams before any construction begins. A good designer listens to the needs and wants of the owner and uses his or her ability to turn those needs into reality.

A successful design helps ensure the project is constructed well, on time, and within budget.


At Maja Landscape, the employees are passionate and loyal to the company’s goals as it defines an objective of quality, success in achieving recognition amongst the Landscaping industry and peers.

Information technology functions within the organisation









Information technology equipment within the organisation


Table 1 Workstations (Pentium IV)

Table 2 Printers

Table 3 Fax

Table 4 Scanners

Table 5 Cameras

Table 6 Scratch pads

Table 7 Data Projectors


Table 1

Software (including operating system software)

Special information technology equipment used in the workplace



2. ViaCAD 2D/3D @


  1. Find out and write down the telephone number and location of your nearest branch of the Australian Computer Society.

Secretariat Address

PO Box Q534
Queen Victoria

Courier Address

Level 3
160 Clarence Street

NSW 2000
Ph: +61 2 9299 3666
Fax +61 2 9299 3997
Email: info@acs.org.au NO SPAM
Home Page: https://www.acs.org.au

  1. Find out where the following policies and procedures are located in your organisation and write down where they are kept.
    1. Occupational Health & Safety
    2. Equal Employment Opportunity
    3. Purchasing Guidelines
    4. Information Technology Training


This is the Health and Safety Policy of Johnson's Lawn Service, (JLS) and Mountview Landscaping, (MVL). This document is a reflection of the importance management places on the safety of its employees, management and the general public that may be affected by the actions of our company through its operations. It is intended to be used as a superceding guideline for operational procedures in all actions taken by staff and management in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is the objective of JLS and MVL to provide a safe work environment for all employees and management. With this objective in mind, the ultimate goal is to maintain an already established, zero frequency, lost time injury record.

Roles and Responsibilities


The duties of the employer and management of the organization are outlined in the occupational health and safety act of which a copy is available to all employees. In addition to those duties both JLS and MVL stresses to management to also be acutely aware of and enforce the following:

  • Ensure that the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act are carried out on each job site.
  • Ensure that every member of the organization carries out their duties as prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • Appoint and train competent persons as supervisors.
  • Initiate, monitor and up-grade this document as needed.
  • Participate in safety meetings to facilitate the evolution of the safety policy.
  • Provide all required safety equipment that is not provided by the employee.
  • Carry out unscheduled site inspections to verify safety procedures are being followed and provide written instructions to correct deficiencies observed.


Each crew operating shall have one person appointed as crew supervisor. That person is responsible for any duties outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act pertaining to Superintendents as well as the following:

  • Be responsible for on site safety and accident prevention.
  • Ensure that each morning all required protective gear and first aid kits are with that crew and that all are in proper condition.
  • Warn employees at each site of potential dangers to themselves or bystanders, as well as instruct them on how to handle those dangers.
  • At each site the supervisor shall point out to employees unusual terrain or conditions associated with that site and instruct them as to how to handle those areas.
  • For the first visit of each employee to a site, the supervisor will walk the entire property with the employee to allow for questions the employee may have regarding site specific conditions.
  • Ensure that all employees are utilizing protective equipment properly.
  • Have first aid training.
  • In the event of an injury the supervisor shall see to it that the person is treated appropriately and timely without regard to lost production time or cost to the company.
  • Notify management of the injury promptly and later discuss in detail what happened, what steps were taken to prevent the injury and what steps could be implemented if any to ensure that it never happens again.


All employees of JLS and MVL are regulated under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and must comply with any restrictions and duties outlined within. In addition to that the employees will appoint a person to meet with Management and Supervisors to help in the evolution and up-grading of this document. They will also be responsible for the following:

  • The employee shall be responsible to refuse any work they feel is dangerous to themselves or others by informing their supervisor of that concern. If the concern cannot be resolved between the employee and supervisor then the matter shall be brought to the attention of management and the employee Health and Safety Representative.
  • Before operating any equipment, they have read the operators manual and have been given training on that equipment and feel competent to operate it safely and efficiently.
  • Co-operate with the supervisor to identify any potential hazards.
  • Co-operate with the supervisor to treat any injury suffered by anyone on site.
  • Co-operate in the investigation of any work refusals to bring about a resolution.


All supervisors and employees of JLS and MVL will adhere to the policies outlined in this document and will be held responsible for any breach of these policies.

1st violation will entail a verbal warning.

2nd violation of same offence will entail a written warning.

3rd violation of the same offence will involve a written notice and one day loss of work and pay.

4th violation of same offence will involve a written notice and one week loss of work and pay, dismissal may also occur at discretion of management.

All written notices will be completed and served by management following a discussion with both the supervisor and employee to determine exactly what occurred. In the event of an event involving gross negligence the verbal warning of the 1st violation may be bypassed at the discretion of management.


Footwear - All workers must at all times wear CSA approved safety shoes or boots that bear the Green Triangular Patch stamped with the CSA logo. Footwear is to be provided by the employee and it is their responsibility to ensure that they are fully laced and tied.

Head Protection - Hard hats shall be provided by the company for use on sites that require them. The hats shall be at least Class "B" as defined by the CSA and be in good condition. It is the Supervisors responsibility to ensure these are available on the morning of the job.

Eye Protection - Approved CSA safety glasses must be worn by all employees at any time they are operating a line string trimmer, or quick cut saw. Glasses are also required when an employee is using a hammer or a combination of a hammer and chisel whither it be while performing maintenance responsibilities or when used on stone landscape projects. Glasses will be provided free of charge by the company, one pair to each employee monthly. Employees may provide their own glasses, but they must show to their supervisor that they bear the CSA logo and it is not felt by that supervisor that the tint is too dark as to obscure vision and potentially cause the operator to not see a hazard. If the employee needs a second pair within the one month time frame they will be provided to the employee by the company at a cost.

Ear Protection - It is recommended that any time an employee is operating motorized equipment that they wear ear protection. Ear plugs will be made available by the company for use of the employees. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that they have sufficient ear plugs to use for the day when they leave the shop in the morning. If ear muffs are preferred over plugs then the company will supply each employee with one set per season.

Sun Protection - Sun screen lotion will be made available by the company to be carried in each truck for the use of employees as they feel necessary. It is strongly urged by the company that employees protect themselves from the known health hazards of the sun by applying sun screen. It is also recommended that when working at a site not requiring hard hats, that the employee wear another hat as supplied by the company to protect themselves from the sun.

In case of Injury

The employer must:

  1. Make sure first aid is given immediately.
  2. Make sure there is a record of the first aid treatment given to the employee.
  3. Complete and give to the employee the Treatment Memorandum Form 156 if more than first aid is required.
  4. Provide immediate transportation to a hospital, doctor's office or employee's home if necessary.
  5. Pay full wages and benefits for the day the injury occurred.

Submit a Form 7 to WSIB within 3 days of the incident.

The Employee must:

  1. Promptly obtain First Aid.
  2. Notify the employer of any injury.
  3. Notify the employer of possible onset of a work related disease/condition.
  4. Choose your own doctor or qualified practitioner. Once this choice is made you cannot change doctors without permission of the WSIB.
  5. Complete and return all forms from WSIB promptly.

Accidents happen at any time and place without regard for people, experience or routine. Please remain at all times vigilant and aware of yourself, the equipment you are operating and others around you to ensure that at the end of the day we all remain healthy.


In Australia national and local laws cover equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination in the workplace. All employers are required by these laws to create a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. It’s important that you, as an employer, understand your rights and responsibilities under human rights and anti-discrimination law in Australia.

By putting effective anti-discrimination and anti-harassment procedures in place in your business you can improve productivity and increase efficiency. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) has a range of fact sheets and brochures to help you develop effective policies and best practice guidelines.


1.Petty Cash – guideline


The Petty Cash Fund Policy has been created to provide guidelines for the appropriate establishment, use, and accountability of such funds. Procedures have been established to encourage effective administration and internal control of cash handling operations.


The majority of petty cash funds are established to enable departments to make small, emergency purchases where a purchase order is not cost effective or a purchasing card cannot be used.

Petty cash float

The value of petty cash float will be limited to a maximum of $200.00.


This policy is applicable to every MAJA S LANDSCAPE PTY department, administrative office, and affiliated organization involved in handling any cash. Employees with any type of cash handling function are required to be familiar with the requirements of this policy.

Authority and Responsibility

MAJA S LANDSCAPE PTY has delegated the authority and responsibility for establishing policies and procedures for all cash handling activities to the Controller’s Office. In carrying out this duty, the Controller’s Office is responsible for:

  • Establishing and enforcing policies and procedures governing the receipt, handling, custody, and disbursement of funds.
  • Requiring the establishment and maintenance of records accounting for funds received and paid buy the company.
  • Performing periodic audits of departments with cash handling operations.
  • Establishing and authorizing banking depositories to be used for company funds.
  • Establishing and authorizing procedures for granting, maintaining, and terminating departmental petty cash funds.
  • Reconciling all petty cash funds on a monthly basis.

Petty Cash Guidelines

  • Adequate receipts and documentation must be maintained to support all transactions made from the Petty Cash Fund.
  • The following expenditures from petty cash accounts are prohibited:
    - Travel-related expenses (e.g., parking)
    - Sales Tax
    - Alcoholic Beverages
    - Donations
    - Tips or Gratuities
  • A petty cash fund or custodian may be revoked at the discretion of the Controller.
  • The amount of the petty cash fund may be reduced at the discretion of the Controller.

2. Project Purchase

Amount $20 000.00

Who- Financial controller David Tesarik

Any outgoings over $20 000.00 need to be approved and signed buy chairperson Maja Pullmanova and managing director Erik Benkovsky.

3. General Day today purchases for running the business


Purchase requisition










Warranty (SLE)


- Delegation

d.Information Technology Training

Information Technology Training for Managers, Software Development and System Administration.

We are using GBdirect to train our staff.

GBdirect specialise in training 4 kinds of information technology user:

  • Managers responsible for IT strategy
  • Software developers and programmers
  • System administrators
  • Other IT trainers (passing leading-edge experience to the mass market)

GBdirect concentrates largely on training these groups on an in-house basis (on or off site).

Courses are taught by GBdirect consultants who practice the skills they teach.

Since much of our consultancy work now involves the design and deployment of web, internet, e-commerce and e-business technologies these topics weigh heavily in our training portfolio.

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